
  • City
  • Urban Design
Amsterdam | The Netherlands

A design-based research within the Amsterdam Environment Vision framework on densifying and improving the zone along the 6 km long Gooiseweg in Amsterdam East and Southeast. This involved current residents and facilitated a liveable and future-proof city. The concrete principles proposed are included in the Amsterdam Environment Vision.

Client: Municipality of Amsterdam
Year: 2020
Partner: Bura Urbanism, Stichting Moving Arts Project, Het Lege Atelier
Status: Initiative vision creation
Type: Area vision
Location: Amsterdam Oost en Zuidoost
Program: 130 ha urban landscape
Urban planning: ECHO Urban Design

Transforming a 130-hectare infrastructural landscape into a future-proof, urban landscape

For its design, we involved residents of the surrounding neighbourhoods. Commissioned by ECHO, local cultural entrepreneur Dennie Armelita toured the neighbourhood and talked to current residents about the public spaces within these neighbourhoods. Their stories and needs provided the possible themes and interpretations.

A meaningful landscape with space for social interaction

We disconnect the motorway (A10) from the Gooiseweg to minimise vehicle traffic, creating space to play and work within the city, and providing space for social interaction. We vary using wide and small spaces resulting in a pleasant alternation that ties in with parks and green structures. In doing so, we also resonate with the existing adjacent residential area and redefine its appearance. In the new residential area, the Gooiseweg will no longer form a barrier but becomes a connective park filled with urban functions and sustainable accessibility. Each space will have its unique function matching the appearance and theme of the surrounding neighbourhoods, based on the needs of the current residents. Combined, it forms a meaningful landscape where food cultivation, sports, outdoor play and circularity fuse into a robust, green public space.


From space to place

We optimise the park landscape by adding unique building typologies and orienting them towards the park. It will be a meaningful place with space for recreation, play, food cultivation, ecology and sports.


From private to inclusive

By removing the fences around the sports fields and adding more functions, we create a publicly accessible urban landscape. We reorganise the sports field and create space for buildings overlooking the fields. These fields can also be used for events, ecology, or excess water storage.


From separate traffic networks to one central route

Instead of having different traffic routes, we create a large infrastructure leading into the city centre. A fast and lively connection to the multifunctional city street. We disconnect the motorway (A10) from the Gooiseweg to minimise vehicle traffic. By doing so, we encourage motorists to switch to another mode of transport.

From separate traffic networks to one central route

From gated areas to an inclusive landscape

From meaningless spaces to valuable places


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